This is Tiffany. She wrote Torchlight Curriculum by drawing on her professional experience in education after having tried many curriculums, yet never finding the approach, diversity of materials, and topics she desperately wanted for her kids. She is an author (of this curriculum and many stories that lovingly smile at her from inside her desk drawer), an entrepreneur, a home-educator, a professional learner with multiple degrees, a gardener, a tea aficionado, and a genuinely nice person (or so she has been told). That is not giving you a lot of detail is it? So if inspired, click read more.
The creation of Torchlight was inspired by her kids. Growing up as a daughter of a librarian and falling in love with stories herself assured she would spread her love of literature to her own family. Watching her kids stay up at night “reading” the pictures by moonlight when they were young as if they were bedtime rebels breaking some sort of nighttime rule inspired her to get them their own reading lights. Now they wield them like tools of their rebellious trade as they giggle under the covers and soak in the best of our world as we move toward embracing and celebrating diversity and equality with their curated book collection.
The spark for home-educating her own kids was brought about through her professional experience as an Education & Marketing Director for a non-profit, interfacing with students at specialty schools in both San Francisco and San Diego. After serving on three curriculum boards she knew there had to be a better way to couple pertinent skills with a love of learning using diverse materials. She wanted to help learners seek out information and become well-rounded while maintaining their thirst for knowledge and building confidence.
She has been a business-owner since 2007 and holds Degrees in Business and Communications with a focus on English and Culture. She has an unparalleled curiosity that she hopes to share with as many others as possible. She loves a solid dry wit and thinks humor is the spice of life. Toss in some great books, a good cup of tea, and her family on an autumn day and this would be her definition of bliss.
She knows the world of books is not yet perfect, but it is moving down a positive path and she hopes to support progress, shining a light and uncovering a better way as materials become accessible and available. Supporting great authors whenever she can is a large part of the passion that goes into curating the Torchlight book lists. She promises to make her best effort to grow and evolve to make Torchlight worthy of its audience.